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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Book Report: Recapture the Rapture - A very SCARY book for me

Book Report: Recapture the Rapture: Rethinking God, Sex, and Death in a World That's Lost Its Mind by Jamie Wheal.

Remarkable Book
I found this book quite remarkable - he has read everything that I have in the past 15 years or so, but where he goes with it is really new to me. The first chapters are SCARY. Things are coming apart in our world - he cites examples I have never heard. His whole purpose is to use our latest learning from neuroanthropology and cultural architecture to craft a solution to this craziness. I wish him well on that, but I am not as positive as he is on the potential outcome

In almost every chapter I asked myself whether I would recommend this book or not!  His insights are amazing. His grasp of the recent research is amazing. Watching him talk about it, he is very, very good at this. Here's a simple video that will give you a sense of that: 
    Homegrown Humans     

This is a TED TALK about his background and his real business:  FLOW:  

The Problem with DRUGS 
Part of the problem I have is the role of psychedelics / drugs. He is not pushing it - he emphasizes that one can accomplish these humanizing experiences with just breathing and meditation. And he is very aware of the potential problems of addiction and bad experiences. That stuff really scares me. He has come to terms with them. I am just not ready to go there - my gut reaction is NO! I can feel the defenses rising in my emotions.

Meaning 3.0 and a NEW "church"
I love the idea that we might be able to raise up everyone's sense of belonging to the human race, to have empathy for others, and to work together to improve everyone's life. He does a masterful job of crafting this new kind of "social religion." He has a good handle on the history of religions, and the science about their essential elements. He understands the dangers of this - but I get the underlying fear that he is really making a killing out of all this. It feels like a much better form of "Scientology" - which is a crazy set of stuff.

The Jesus Story
BUT I think his take on Jesus is perfect - Here's a couple of quotes:

P 284 Because what is beyond doubt is that the idea of Jesus, the Jesus Meme, which includes all versions—god, man, and myth—has shaped the last two thousand years of human history more than almost any other human who has ever lived. That in itself, in all of its ambiguity, is worth a real reckoning.

P 286  Because let’s face it—Christianity has some god-awful branding problems. For the faithful, there’s still some meat on that bone. But for the unchurched, twice shy, or followers of different faiths? It’s slim pickings trying to gin up enthusiasm for a Christian revival. It would be a mistake to even try.

But it would be an even bigger mistake to scrap it entirely. The Jesus Meme has been virally replicating for two thousand years. It’s created a tremendous amount of momentum, resonance, and shared reference points recognized around the world. What sticks with me most about the story of the Nazarene has little to do with canonical scripture at all.  . . . 

The idea that a flesh-and-blood mortal could feel a burning truth inside them, and seek to share it with the world, despite the betrayal and ridicule of those they were trying to help, while having to face personal doubt, despair, and uncertainty alone? That sounded more like the human experience we all have to live through than any of the more transcendent tales I’d found elsewhere.

If you found that interesting - here's an OLD homily that I did on this topic back when I was a lay preacher. See what you think.

Bottom Line
The key to me is that the focus is on increasing our empathy, increasing the sense in all of us that we are the children of one god, that we are all of priceless value. Every single one of us. If we can somehow get that into the general consciousness, we actually have the potential to solve most of our human problems. The disparity in wealth, the absolute ego sense, that I got mine and you are not worthy of my time - that is our primary enemy. We are all doing win / lose all the time. I guess if a bit of a drug can deliver a lasting sense that "we are all in this together", I could support that. We shall see.

It is just not obvious to me how this "movement" will progress. Looking at his website, it feels more like a money making venture than a non profit.

Help me out here - if you read the book, think with me a bit about it. 

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