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Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Two Slit Conundrum - A Solution

I frequently read pieces where I want to send the author a short description of a classical physics problem - but I only have their twitter account, or an online form. So . . . I am asking the forbearance of the few people who actually read this blog, for posting this little piece here so I can send a pointer to it. 
The Two Split Conundrum or Problem
If you pass light through a set of slits, you get an interference pattern. Light acts like a wave, and the photons appear to cancel each other out in a regular pattern. The problem is that the light is coming from some distant source, and each individual photon somehow has to interact with the others, so that it can choose the correct slot and create the interference pattern. It appears that light photons have to KNOW which slot the other photon is going to go through before they depart their source, in order to choose the correct slot to create the wave effect. How on earth could that ever occur? How could the photons know ahead of time where to go when they started out on their journey? Or do they change their direction based on our observation after the fact. Scary “action at a distance”, indeed. In fact, they are not quanta - but waves! And nothing needs to travel - just the effect.

Just read the very best description of this "problem" by  right here:  

AND . . . you can find the answer they are looking for right here. I crafted up the simplest explanation I could manage.

First of all, you know that TIME is a function of our space / time continuum. At our level, the macro level that we know about through our eyes and ears, time is tied closely to our mass and speed. More mass – slower time. More speed – more mass, slower time. And note that speed is a  purely  RELATIVE thing. There is no absolute speed relative to anything standing still. This is called the “theory of relativity”. Our perceived “speed of light” appears to be a constant in our space / time continuum. This is the speed at which an "effect" can traverse a given distance in OUR space time continuum. Einstein arrived at this insight with a little thought experiment. We can solve the the two slit problem with another thought experiment. As my friend Fitz pointed out to me, the speed of light in our space time is how fast that electron's circumference is rotating. If we generate light from quarks we will get a different speed for that light. Experimenters are actually doing that as we speak. Super Fast Light.

If you are with me to this point at our level of the cosmos, then think about TIME and DISTANCE at the atomic or quantum level. Needless to say, it is NOTHING like time and distance at our level.

What if, just bear with me on this, these electromagnetic interactions – like a rotating electron in the sun – generates an electromagnet EFFECT that acts like a wave – that interacts with an electron in my eyeball. Nothing travels – it just interacts. We have no problem with interactions at short distances at the quantum level with nothing passing between things - why not at the distances in our space / time continuum? That is the first major leap you need to make. 

The next thing to realize is that NOTHING needs to pass between the two electrons to give the effect of light - all we need is the EFFECT. No photon, no quantum of anything - the RESULT of the EFFECT happens in a quantum way - a discreet bit of energy is exchanged.

And now, a bigger leap, WHAT IF that effect is instantaneous for the electrons? This is the root of the entanglement effect. They INTERACT in real time in their space time continuum. In fact, all quantum level interactions, including gravity, are instant in the quantum world – but much slower – speed of light – in our continuum. And the gravity one is the same – it is just a whole lot faster than light. 
Note, NOT every effect in the quantum realm is instantaneous - that would be chaos. This space / time distance for light is zero between two particles that see themselves as in phase. 

Below is the website of the guy who dreamt this up. Check it out. Watch out though, he is a very interesting eccentric – I am NOT kidding. 
This is the best short hand view for a physicist:
This is the highlight reel:
The whole business is here:
The most recent shorthand explanation of this is here:

Fitz has a lot more there than this simple problem, but he doesn’t do math, so he can’t enter the realm of physicists to get this thing accepted. He’s a radio person and has dealt with electromagnetic radiation all his life, which is why he can do this thought experiment. He’s not bound by the old particle ideas. He says that the electron is a circular standing wave - an idea developed by his friend Milo Wolf, a real physicist.

To Fitz, it’s all about the phase difference between the closest sides of every spinning entity in the universe. And they are ALL spinning - even the galaxies. The phase difference generates an attraction or a repulsion, all based on Ampere’s laws.

“When an electron in your eye binds in-phase with an electron on a distant star, to give you a quantum of light, there is NO spacetime whatsoever between the closest sides of those two, spin up - spin down, binding electrons — with their closest sides binding in-phase — even though much spacetime exists between you and that distant star.”

If nothing else, let me know why you think this is a crazy idea, because I am totally smitten with the thing.

There is some recent research on spinning electrons and magnetism, which further affirms Fitz's idea. 
For the latest research see this article:

2022.11.22 Nice piece on FIELD in the quantum realm. This guy almost has it:
Ethan R. Siegel, PhD,

For Fitz's take, read below: 

Here's how Phase Symmetry gives us a more precise insight into not only Mach's Principle but it shows, while we can never have a Unified Field Theory, we most certainly do have a Unified Force Theory.

Phase Symmetry
Chapter 1.
About 1940, when I was in third grade, Pop brought home one of those old magnetos used in the very early crank telephones. What it operated was the ringing bell in all the party line phones when you cranked the handle.

Pop was never too good at explaining things and it was ED Muzik's father who showed us kids how electricity really worked. He got a bunch of us, all holding hands in a circle -- a series circuit -- and when the crank on the magneto was pushed down, then we all got a slight shock.

This was what showed me how electricity really worked, and as I walked by the library in Elizabeth, before I got the bus to go home, there I read all I could about electricity and learned about the Barkhausen effect, where earphones could pick up the clicks of bunches of Domains lining themselves up in place as a material was being magnetized.

But it was in September of 1946, when I was almost 14, that I entered High School. It was then that I really started to see the failure of modern Physics.

I read every copy of Scientific American, as they came out: one issue showed how magnetism was caused by electrons forced to rotate EXACTLY the same way. It was then I also realized, that you had this Barkhausen effect because you were forcing electrons to maximize their similar relative motion or in-phase position where: attraction was maximized whenever the maximum mass of these electrons (most) were spinning on exactly the same spin axes.

About this time, Pop brought home a gyroscope and spun it, using a string wound around its axle and it seemed to defy gravity. I wondered how this heavy thing was suspended in the air with only a bit of the end of its frame supported. The supreme importance of this (Mach's Principle) comes in later Chapters.

For me, this was only the beginning of Phase Symmetry, but even today this tiny amount, while known, is not considered even being worth knowing by today's scientists who consider modern science as the Entire Holy Grail explaining everything using the field theory of Modern Physics that even Einstein said was worthless about a year before he died.

Since then I've shown many ways exactly why it is worthless. Even Einstein didn't quite do that much.

Children are still being taught that Field Theory shows North and South OPPOSITE POLES ATTRACT.

But Phase Symmetry (what is known) PROVES this idea is DECEPTIVE.

Because maximum ATTRACTION occurs WHEN most electrons are spinning the same direction on exactly the same spin axes, where there is a (maximum in-phase motion).

Not only that but all Sigma Bonds are similar in-phase spin electron motion bonds as well.
Sigma Chemical bonds are the same as magnetic bonds ???
How can that be ???
Modern Physics doesn't show us this at all !!!
And this comes in Chapter 2.