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Sunday, December 14, 2014

OMG - The World Bank Has Figured Out Behavioral Economics

If you have been following along here, you have seen this about development and “culture”,
  See this post Culture is Key to Development
And about behavioral economics and our “irrational” behavior.
  See this post on Thinking, Fast andSlow.

The World Bank has wrapped these together with great results. Check out this report summary:

I think this is a BIG DEAL! The UN Millennium DevelopmentGoals were intended to eliminate world poverty. They were based on research by Jeffrey Sachs and others, and the premise that people just need a bit of help getting over the “hump” as it were, in order to develop their own economic well being. But it did not work out so well. People really do not make “rational” economic decisions. In important things like economics, food, and our general well being, we make emotional decisions. And we make them quickly and with firm commitment. Appealing to our rational self actually makes us even more entrenched in those decisions. The UN has undertaken a new effort now to create Sustainable Development Goals. The UN has developed a very challenging set of goals, and some wonderful graphics for them. 

This World Bank study is very much in support of this new approach. It adopts the behavioral economists’ approach of “nudging” or “going with” and “using” our built in psychological propensities, instead of arguing against them. This could work!

Just for one example, cited by Brooks:
Too many people die in auto accidents. When governments try to reduce highway deaths, they generally increase safety regulations. But, also in Kenya, stickers were placed inside buses and vans urging passengers to scream at automobile drivers they saw driving dangerously.

The heckling discouraged dangerous driving by an awesome amount. Insurance claims involving injury or death fell to half of their previous levels.

AND – gold stars work better than economic incentives:
In Zambia, hairdressers were asked to sell female condoms to their clients. Some were offered financial incentives to do so, but these produced no results. In other salons, top condom sellers had a gold star placed next to their names on a poster that all could see. More than twice as many condoms were sold. This simple change was based on an understanding of the human desire for status and admiration.

The summary introduction to the report actually says it more positively and clearly:
To inspire a fresh look at how development work is done, the Report outlines three principles of human decision making: thinking automatically, thinking socially, and thinking with mental models. Much of human thinking is automatic and depends on whatever comes to mind most effortlessly. People are deeply social and are influenced by social networks and norms. Finally, most people do not invent new concepts; rather they use mental models drawn from their societies and shared histories to interpret their experiences.  (Page 2)

Outstanding. Automatic thinking – the FAST brain. Social influence – culture and psychological defense. Mental Models – world view, tradition, conservatism, risk avoidance. I love it. Finally, we might get somewhere with all of this.

Here’s one example of a study on the affect of poverty in children. It’s not just the nutrition!
Poverty in childhood, which is often accompanied by high stress and neglect from parents, can impair cognitive development, according to the report, so public programs that provide early childhood stimulation are critical. A 20 year study in Jamaica found that a program aimed at altering the way mothers interacted with their infants led to an increase in earnings by 25 percent once those children became adults, as compared to others who did not participate in the program.

The full report is also available at the web page cited above. If you care about world poverty, about development, about economics – give it a look! At 200 pages, it is going to take me a while to digest this. I'll share more insights as we go along here. Do you have some? 

NOW – if we could just figure out how to persuade people to make better political decisions. How might that be done?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Joseph Stiglitz - How Inequality Is Killing the American Dream

This is just a short piece to point you to this article, by Joseph Stiglitz. It will likely NOT change your opinion about all of this, but it is a fine piece, with good information from a Nobel Prize winning economist.

I say it won't make any difference, because I realize that any information provided to you that goes counter to what you believe, just serves to reinforce what you believe. BUT  . . . that said, I can't give up on trying to persuade you otherwise. That's the emotional energy that drives me.

I posted this on Facebook already - but I was afraid the few and the brave that actually follow this blog might miss that.

I found the article interesting because he points out an implication of this income inequality that I had not even considered. I thought it remote that we would descend to the class revolution that the French author Pickett seems to be predicting. I thought we might muddle through over time, with gradual shifts in tax and spending policies. Stiglitz thinks this disparity is much more dangerous. It could destroy the very things that make our place on the planet so valuable. We are likely to use our REAL power, our REAL influence - that we are something that others can strive to become. Military might is not the source of our power. The real source is that we represent the hope and inspiration of the huddled masses. And we are losing that. The Scandinavians seem to have figured it out.

As to his ideas as how to overcome it - they are all good. But they are all doomed to fail. They are based on rational thinking, factual ideas. People do not respond to that. We are emotional animals, we are selfish, we are protective of our sense of self, of our beliefs and biases. We do not gladly accept information counter to those.

What do you think?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Rational Decisions and Politics – or NOT – A Proposal

Rational Decisions and Politics – or NOT – A Proposal

You are Now Less Dumb
I’ve been reading a little gem of a book, You are Now Less Dumb, by David McRaney. He also wrote You are Not So Smart, which I also like. He takes psychological research and turns it into stories and narratives that are very understandable and readable. If you liked Thinking, Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman, you will like these. Kahneman is the scientist, and McRaney the populist, but the information they provide is priceless. Jonah Lehrer does similar work.

Why Are we ALL So Stupid?
As McRaney points out, we are not so smart. I have been puzzled for some time with how “stupid” people seem in the mass. I mean really stupid. As a people, as a country, as a crowd, we make absolutely idiotic and stupid decisions. Recently a consultant for the Affordable Care Act was severely criticized for saying that the electorate is basically STUPID. He was not polite, but he was right. As a whole, as a crowd, we, the American public, are making totally STUPID decisions. We hold irrational beliefs, we do DUMB things.

We Make Emotional Decisions
The good or bad of that is that this has basically always been the case. It is how human beings are wired. We are not wired to make rational decisions – we are wired to make emotional decisions. It’s a genetically evolved, rapid decision making framework that stood us in very good stead when we had to avoid the tiger in the path, or the enemy with the spear. Our irrational brain, our emotional one is great at quick decisions. The rational part, the slow brain, does work – but it takes a long time, and it takes a lot of effort. We can do it – but we have to be well rested, not threatened, and calm about it. You don’t find that atmosphere much in topics that relate to important decisions, such as those around politics, economics or religion.

Now, if your irrational self chooses to NOT believe what I have just said here, I am not sure what I can do about it. You are opting to NOT believe a set of rational facts and research. I can point you to the books, to the research, but even if you read it – which I very much doubt – facts which are opposed to your basic beliefs only tend to reinforce those beliefs. Honest – it works that way. Psychologists call this the “backfire effect”, or the “self defense” mechanism, or “identity protective cognition”.

If Offered Facts Contrary to Our Belief that Reinforces Our Belief.
The basic mechanism here is that we have a defensive reaction to anything which threatens our sense of self, our identity, or our membership in a group. Here is a bit of a long quote from the last reference listed above – p.8.

Group membership, it has been shown, “can affect how people process information about nearly all categories of stimuli in the social world” (Baumeister & Leary, 1995, p. 504). Individuals tend to adopt the beliefs common to members of salient “in-groups.” They also resist revision of those beliefs in the face of contrary factual information, particularly when that information originates from “out group” sources, who are likely to be perceived as less knowledgeable and less trustworthy than “in group” ones (Mackie & Quellar, 2000; Clark & Maas, 1988; Mackie, Gastardoconaco & Skelly, 1992).

Identity-protective cognition is one proposed mechanism for this set of dynamics. Individual well-being, this account recognizes, is intricately bound up with group membership, which supplies individuals not only with material benefits but a range of critical nonmaterial ones including opportunities to acquire status and self-esteem. Challenges to commonly held group beliefs can undermine a person’s well-being either by threatening to drive a wedge between that person and other group members, by interfering with important practices within the group, or by impugning the social competence (and thus the esteem-conferring capacity) of a group generally. Accordingly, as a means of identity self-defense, individuals conform their appraisals of information in a manner that buttresses beliefs associated with belonging to particular groups (Cohen, Aronson & Steele, 2000; Cohen, 2003; Cohen, Sherman, Bastardi, Hsu, McGoey & Ross, in press).

When offered information which is contrary to this sense of self, this opinion or belief, we tend to reaffirm our belief and hold it even more tightly. So, we have Republicans and Democrats, atheists and believers, Christians and Muslims, creationists and evolutionists, global warming disputants, and the like with no way to really communicate. If one side offers information or factual research to the other side, it just provides another argument in support of their firmly held belief.

We believe things because our group does, or our identity requires us to as a defensive mechanism. And no amount of contrary facts or information is going to dissuade us. What – you don’t believe that? Well, what can I say – that is the proof of the pudding.

How Do We Get Out of This
My question is, how the heck can we get out of this? How did we get out of it in the past? If it were not for Martin Luther, we would probably all still be in some form of the Holy Roman Empire or a similar monarchy, and think that the earth was the center of the universe. There would have been no enlightenment, no scientific method, no industrial revolution. But we did break with that past – albeit with considerable difficulty. Quite a few very creative humans lost their lives in that struggle. The cost today is still counted in lives lost in the religious wars, and in billions of dollars of squandered resources, and in the ultimate threat to the planet itself when global warming becomes too great to stop.

There HAS to be a way to persuade our irrational selves about the FACTS that we clearly know from modern science. Our advances in psychology alone indicate that we CAN figure this out. How do we get that into the popular opinion?

One on One Conversation Technique
The only thing I have seen that purports to help here is in a one to one discussion. Argument does not work – ever. It just pushes the other side to deepen their convictions. What does seem to work somewhat is mutual exploration. If you can establish a relationship of trust with the other person, you can then explore with them their own ideas and beliefs. If they explain them to you, in a trusted relationship, without threat, it does appear that they CAN get to a place where they are somewhat rational about the information they can accept. It is NOT easy – I have NEVER managed to move anyone to share my beliefs about the deity or the wave nature of the universe – or even about the “free market”.

I think the mechanism here is the relationship of trust creates a safe place to explore things that might be seen as threatening. Creating that trust relationship is key, and that is also not a trivial undertaking.
I also wonder if it is even possible for any individual to acquire such a sense of self that they can be independent of the opinions of their group, or of the need for their own opinions to be valid. I would like to think that I have arrived at that pinnacle of mature sense of self – but how the heck would I know? And how does anyone ever get there? I taught Steven Covey’s 7 Habits for 10 years. That helped me a bit. I am pretty sure that if we put that basic curriculum in every grade school, we would have a lot less problems when those kids are adults. The course gives you the sense that you are in charge of yourself, that you are capable, and it teaches tools for communicating with others.

Self Esteem Priming
There is research that indicates that if you PRIME people to a more positive image of self, they are then more open to considering information which is counter to their beliefs. The simple exercise of having people reflect on positive past experiences seems to open their minds to opposing ideas. One study had participants read an article on capital punishment. One version of the article presented research and facts in favor of capital punishment, while another version took the opposite tack. Each participant was given the version of the article which was counter to their established belief. The control group had no preconditioning. The other groups were primed by asking them to describe 3 or 4 personal experiences where they felt very good about some personal skill or value. The control group reacted as expected – they did NOT change their beliefs. In the other groups, more people reported that the article had changed how they saw the problem – in both directions.

The research also indicates that this works in negotiation. If both sides are primed with self-worth ideas, then they are actually more open to considering compromise with the opponent. The good news is that the priming, the focus on self-worth does not prime someone to simply accept the information presented. Rather it appears to enable them to make a more objective evaluation of the information presented. Who can argue with that?

It also appears that a single session of self-affirmation can have long term effects when coupled with an educational experience. The increase in self-esteem appears to remain. This experiment involved educational sessions about the danger of unprotected sex, and measures to reduce exposure. The affirmed individuals reported later that their positive activities in response to the training continued at a higher rate than the control group.

One has to be careful here. If the affirmation that is given touches on the issue at stake, it can cut the other way entirely. Subjects who were primed to consider themselves as not being prejudiced were much more likely to engage in prejudicial actions. The same was true for high moral values and ethically questionable actions. Too much of a good thing, etc.

Application to Real World Problems
OK, so how would this work in the real world? Well, we could require our elected officials to complete 2 days of self-worth classes, and then put them together with the other side for 2 days of mutual trust building before we let them meet and govern. I think that might actually work. M. Scott Peck said as much in his book, The Different Drum. He cites many cases where the parties spent 3 days just getting to know each other, before they attempted any negotiation.

But how do we get warring groups in Ukraine and Russia together, or Isis Islamic Militants and the people they are killing in order to “convert” them. Just how would that work? Israel and Palestine? Personally, I would be happy if we could get the two major political parties, Republicans and Democrats, to stop calling each other names.

Start With the Kids
Bottom line – I don’t think there is any way out of this problem for our adult society. We need to start with the kids. We need to raise children that have enough self-esteem that they do not feel attacked when presented with information that is counter to their beliefs and values. With enough self-esteem, they can evaluate the information rationally, and we can get on with growing the potential of human kind. We need unthreatened, mature adults running things.

A Modest Proposal
Here’s my proposal. We might start by electing only mature adults to public office. But how do we do we determine who the mature adults are? My simple minded rule for this is:
Vote ONLY for people who offer constructive ideas. NEVER vote for anyone who offers criticism of their opponent, especially if they do not offer a real, positive alternative. It is simply too easy to criticize, and it indicates a juvenile approach to problems.

What we need is a simple minded acronym or expression that becomes a “meme” that people will remember when they watch the millions of dollars poured into political advertising. If the news media would pick this up – someone beyond Jon Stewart – we might actually be able to make some progress here. Which one of these do you think might work?
  • Adults offer ideas, children call each other names.
  • Name calling is for children.
  • Be an Adult, offer an Idea, not a criticism.
  • Only idiots only criticize.
  • Negatives do not move us forward.

And if you don’t like any of those, give me a better one.

It’s a thought. I’m just saying . . . 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

You Want to Help Someone: Shut Up and Listen

I am partial to Italians. It's my "other" heritage. I love their passion and feeling. Here's an Italian speaker talking about how he helps people in developing countries. Respect. Serve. Listen.

And he is funny! Great speaker.

It works. See what you think.
He is focused on entrepreneurship - which is key to real economic development.
His story about NYC is just great!

I think this could be modified a bit. The sitting and talking is always a great start.
The organizing and putting people in touch with each other is the next step for community organizing.
We can do this.

Remember, we're all in this together, and I'm pulling for you.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The $20 phone, mobile money and development

If you have been following along here, and I am sure you have, you know that I am fascinated by things "economic" and the development disparities among nations. If you share these interests, especially about Africa, you should read this piece:

The article is titled:
How to manage all your financial affairs from a $20 mobile phone.

One of Jeffrey Sachs measures for the success of his anti poverty effort called Millennium Villages, is the use of cell phones. Turns out, cell phone usage is going up everywhere, with or without the Millennium Village investment. My good friend out on the Serengeti has a smart phone - an iPhone! His neighbors generally use a much cheaper variety. You can buy one at Walgreens for $20 - it is my only cell phone!

You need to know that there is NO electrical service yet on the Serengeti! The cell phone companies have towers and generators out there. The customers use solar chargers - either one they own, or one a neighbor lets them use for a price! Why the push for cell phones in such a poor area? Well, think about it. You are a Masai herdsman, and you want to make a deal for some cattle, or some corn. The nearest market is, say, a day's walk away. One day you discover that you can use a cell phone to talk to the seller, or buyer, and actually close the deal, in less than a minute. You can negotiate the price, and actually MOVE the money. Using a very simple cell phone with some text capability. 

As the article points out, Tanzania has some of the most sophisticated systems in the world for moving money via cell phone. In the US, just try moving money from one bank to another person's account in a different bank with your cell phone. Or try moving it across a national border. I can't do it using the WWW without major problems and fees. And I know how to use PayPal! See this piece: NY Times - Hard To Send Money to Friends

And yet this same approach is NOT working in India, a much more developed part of the world. See this piece: Why Mobile Money has failed to take off in India. Turns out it is the regulators and banks that are inhibiting things. It seems the banks are focused on making money, not encouraging development. If it hurts them, they are agin it. Imagine that!

Darn that big government. Another key factor for development is a governmental structure that actually supports it. That does not mean NO government, it means one positive to development. A simplistic approach to NO government gives you Somalia. Not a place economic development is flourishing.

One of the key ingredients for development is a stable, trustworthy business system. Carrying $100 from here to there in Tanzania is not without some risks. Carrying $10,000 has a LOT of risks. 

Two other key ingredients for development are credit and savings. If your only means for saving money is to hide it under your bed - you are at considerable risk. If you have to PAY the bank to open a savings account, and the bank is 2 hours away - guess what happens to savings. 

In most developing countries, there is also no such thing as a credit bureau, or a credit rating. If you want to make a major purchase on time in Esteli, Nicaragua, the local merchants have a cooperative reporting scheme. They check with each other as to whether or not you have an outstanding payment with any one else, and how you made those payments. A credit system at a very local level.

Banks do not lend money to people who have NO money. That is not how the system works. That's why micro credit works. It is a type of forced savings account, that provides some form of credit. The average micro credit loan rate around the world is 27%. It's true. ( I can walk down to my local bank here and get a line of credit for 3.99%. That 23% is a considerable drag on economic development and risk taking.

As I have stated here before, the real root of our economic disparities lies in our world view. But there are many mechanisms we can use to help change that world view. Putting someone in charge of their own finances, giving them easy access to real credit, enabling financial transactions all help do that.

I am persuaded there is no magic bullet to solve the wealth disparity, and we just have to keep doing the hundred little things that work. When Tanzanians can get a bit more efficient and effective, we all benefit. I have more hope for sub Saharan Africa than all of the middle east. They are so buried in their religious oligarchy and sectarianism that they are just going to keep killing each other for the foreseeable. It actually works better if there are so many different tribes or groups that no one group can dominate. They have to work together - or NOT!

 Remember, we're all in the together, and I'm pulling for you.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Mismeasure of Technology

This is a decent little piece from "Big Think".

It is just amazing to me how much WE, the human species, actually know - and how little ONE individual can actually put this stuff to use. If I go research something to death, and get it published - a tiny fraction of human kind will actually learn about it. As a species, we "know" it, but it has almost zero impact on anything.

This piece is a nice example. I use its full title here in the hope that the author might actually be interested in what people say about his work, and will search on the links to it. Because I might know something that he does not, and it would help clarify things a bit.

The article states that economists struggle with just why we have this enormous gap between rich and poor nations. Lots of people are trying to understand this, and a few are working to "fix" it, if that's possible. I have thought for some time that it would be nice if we could get professional economists to agree on anything. He thinks they do agree on the cause of this wealth disparity.
    "One idea about which economists agree almost unanimously is that, beyond
    mineral wealth, the bulk of the huge income difference between rich and
    poor countries is attributable to neither capital nor education, but rather to
    'technology.' So what is technology?"
He feels that economists really have no common understanding what "technology" is exactly. It is kind of "everything else". Some think that this "technology" is held back because the ruling class, the government, or those in charge do not want it to spread. He feels rather that a key component of "technology" is "knowhow". To him, this is simply knowing how to do something. He states that it cannot be easily acquired, and since it is a collective thing, it does not spread about easily. He has some nice examples, but I think his view is too limited. It is not about knowing how to do one or two things, or even a hundred things. It is rather about how we think about EVERYTHING.

IMHO, if he were to simply adopt the understanding that this "knowhow" is really a "worldview", our perception of how reality works, and what we can do about it, this would entirely solve his problem. As I have argued here, drawn from the research of Hoffstede and Harrison, our "culture" or how we think about reality, drives a great deal of our thinking, risk taking, ownership for problems, initiative, etc. The northern cultures, primarily because of their climate and some history of the spread of religion, have a view of the world that it is under our control. Some few even believe that we are all in this together! They have a much more cohesive view of our interdependency. Other nations, with a longer history of religious domination and political hierarchy, have a different view of how things work.

The next little piece in this blog is a decent summary of all of that, if you are interested in reading more. Would that we could somehow get all of this stuff together!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Culture Is Key To Development


This is basically an update of a blog entry I made in 2011. You can find the original here if you want to see how far I’ve come!

A few of us are actively engaged in assisting people across national boundaries.  Some of us see this as a justice issue – it is simply unfair that a few of us have most of the world’s resources and wealth. Our nation as a whole feels some need to help other countries attain democracy and free markets.  We think of it as a defensive measure, to eliminate areas where terrorism might be fostered. My personal interest combines these two approaches.  As the great Canadian sage Red Green has it, “We are all in this together”. Every evil or limitation that restricts the opportunities for growth and development of anyone on the planet, ultimately affects my well being. Every crime perpetrated on another person eventually damages my freedom and growth. To my mind, the impact is worst where the problem is greatest. Some child, growing up now in poorest Africa, has the potential to create some amazing thing in human history, and they may never even survive – let alone go to school, and learn to read and write. Poverty and political instability create a whole new generation of rebels and terrorists in the poorest and worst managed countries on the globe. I would dedicate considerable more resources to leveling this playing field – to make the rest of the planet at least as well off as those of us in the developed countries.

We are all in this together

Consider an example from garment manufacturing. Nicaragua and many other countries have free trade zones to attract businesses. Companies located there are tax and duty free. The hope is that they will create jobs and benefit the local economy. These companies tend to pay modest wages, but thousands of people line up for the jobs. Levi Strauss built a brand new factory in Nicaragua, but before it opened, they discovered a less expensive alternative in a different country. That factory building is standing there vacant. Virtually all manufacturing is a race to the bottom. The garment workers of Los Angeles organized and sued the primary retailer that purchased their products, to make them demand that their contract suppliers pay the legal minimum wage.  It took them over 3 years, and a legal appeal, but they eventually won their case. What happened next? Many of the manufacturers in town moved their operations elsewhere. In China, companies are moving manufacturing from the coastal areas further inland, where the salary and working condition expectations are still modest.

This is not a static industry.  It is just a matter of time until someone figures out how to automate this process entirely, so that a bunch of cotton or a roll of cloth can be turned into any type of garment with minimal or no human intervention. And that will be a good thing, even though it means there will be a great reduction in the available jobs for unskilled labor. It will be a good thing, because it will actually generate wealth, although the short term impact on garment manufacturing will be devastating.  I don’t believe there is much of a market for buggy whips these days.

I am persuaded, if left to only free market conditions, workers will not be paid a living wage anywhere until the last cheap laborer in China, India and Africa has a living wage. We are all in this together.

Support the Developing World

So, I support those who would help the developing world – it will benefit all of us in the long run.  But it is a disturbing fact that most of these efforts do not succeed. The world has literally spent trillions of dollars to end poverty, to encourage democracy and free markets – all things which enhance human growth and development – with very little benefit. It is like a large black hole – we pour money in, and very little comes out. I am persuaded that there are some fundamental human forces at work which we do not yet understand.

I have had the opportunity to visit some developing countries – a few of them on several occasions.  I discovered that the basic world view in these places is very different than my own. A few researchers have found a new insight into these problems. They have discovered that our culture, our basic view of the world, greatly influences behavior and thus opportunities for human development – for democracy and free markets in particular. The problem is, as it is with most human things, this is a very complicated business. The more I read in this area, the more confused I get. I am convinced that this is a major breakthrough, but it is very hard for most of us to grasp it. We need a simplified, short hand way to think about it. Humans can only retain about 6 things at a time. It’s called “the rule of 6”. (George Miller, Information and Memory, 1956) It is essential to group and categorize complex topics so they can be readily shared. This is my attempt at that.

Here is a short hand description of the way different cultures around the world regard the human role:

1.       We are in charge of the planet. Typically the West, Northern Europe, and most especially the US.
2.       No one is in charge – things just happen. I found this in Africa.
3.       Someone else is in charge – those in the North, those with money, the government, the boss, the priest, the church, the deity. My simplistic view of Latin America.
4.       A grand conspiracy is in charge, not us – a group of powerful people, a group of nations, a religious group, or evil itself. People tell me that this is typical of Arab nations.
     (There’s room here for 2 more!)

It is important to understand that this “culture” thing is not a collection of customs and clothing differences, but a “world view”. It would be easier to just talk about “world view”, but most of the literature refers to it as “culture”. It colors everything, and this world view is communicated from one generation to the next almost unconsciously. We learn how the world works from every interaction with parents, teachers and peers. The key finding in recent years is that cultures are not all equal when it comes to human development. Some elements of a culture are more positive – others negative. This is not to cast aspersion on an entire culture – just certain elements of it. Again, stating this as simplistically as possible:

1.       Culture or a world view is a powerful force that greatly influences how humans think and act. 
2.       We understand our culture by the age of 7, and that world view rarely changes.
3.       A culture develops over centuries, from a wide variety of sources – geography, climate, religion, leaders, and philosophies. It does not change easily or quickly.
4.       Some cultural traits are not supportive of human development in the economic and political realms. These traits must change before those cultures will be able to support their citizens to reach their full potential.
5.       And that change is very, very difficult, but not impossible.
6.       Even cultures that appear to be highly successful in one realm or other, still harbor serious negative traits that restrict their continued growth and development. The U.S. is a prime example.


That’s a Latin word that means “watch out”. Here are the problems.

·         Negatives. This approach says bad things about your culture, and other cultures. In the multi-ethnic world of the United States, that is considered bad form. We tolerate and even celebrate all manner of cultural diversity in terms of dress and speech and belief. But when it comes to fundamental views of how things work, it is a simple fact that not every feature of a given culture is positive for human development. Slavery and the subjugation of women were once supported by major parts of our cultural heritage – religious, economic, and political. We are still working out all of the implications of that. But they were clearly not positive elements of our culture.  There are many others that should also be changed.

·         Broad Brush. Every nation, every culture has individuals within it that are exceptional, that do not conform to the culture. We call those people criminals, or reactionaries, or revolutionaries, or visionaries, depending on their departure from the norm. But some of them are the source of change and progress. That is normal. This paper takes a broad brush stroke to an entire region, or people, or nation. That is simplistic, but unavoidable. It is obvious that there is not one culture even within a single country. And there are not 6 or even 50 cultural traits. There are thousands. But some simplification is required to convey the idea that culture has a powerful impact on development. Every culture has multiple strains, multiple factors. Every nation has multiple cultures within it. That does not deny the truth of the impact of culture – it just makes it more complicated, which is part of the human condition. There is no black and white here, despite our strong biological desire to simplify things that threaten us.

·         Not Complete.
None of the ideas in this paper were created by the author. They are all the results of the work of other people. And nothing about this paper is complete. You can contribute to it and help improve it. Please take the initiative to do so.

What is Development?

In this context, development includes economic, social, political structures of our society. My goal would be that every human be able to achieve the fullest development of their potential. We would all benefit from that. Human creative capacity is the true engine of development. Where social and legal structures and values foster creativity, development flourishes. In the past 300 years we have moved from the belief that wealth is something you dig from the ground, to the understanding that wealth is created by ideas. When our nation was founded, most of us grew crops for ourselves and our neighbors. Now, less than 1% of us can feed our nation, and a major part of the world. The rest of us create wealth and enhance human freedom through ideas that we literally create.

It was a revelation to me that development is a really recent phenomenon. I have always regarded human progress as a kind of evolutionary path that is inevitable. I thought that, given enough time, all intelligent societies will “develop”. Not necessarily so! Biological evolution hits dead ends on a regular basis, and our civilized progress could easily have been one of those. The basic idea of agriculture was a revolution that spread from the first area that discovered it. We walked around as intelligent humans for hundreds of thousands of years without adopting this revolutionary way to obtain food. Writing was a similar revolution. Prior to the industrial revolution, wealth was always regarded as something dug from the ground – or that grows in the ground. The basic idea that humans could create wealth or value with ideas, inventions, was another revolution. Now we have a world where Apple can create an idea, a phone, which costs $500 to purchase, is assembled in China with $10 worth of labor, and Apple’s share for profit and development and support is $250. That is wealth creation!

Negative Force of Culture

The major finding of recent research is that some parts of a culture support this creativity, and other cultural traits destroy it. Some cultural components are negative forces for human development, some are positive.

Think about this as an evolutionary path for society, or the path from childhood to maturity. Some social norms support human development better than others. Those of us who were raised in a multi-cultural environment are biased to see cultural differences as of equal value. But all cultural traits are not equally supportive of human development. Democracy works better than unrestrained dictatorship. Religion is important, but it should not be a part of government. An unrestrained press is essential to development. A free market is a better approach to economics than top down control of an economy. Slavery is not supportive of human development and innovation. Rigorous control of beliefs and ideas suppresses innovation and initiative. We all benefit when women have equal opportunities and rights. These are all cultural factors that affect economic and social development. Those of us in the developed world have overcome many cultural restraints – not all, for sure, but many. We have a distance to go. We also have a lot more work to do. It is important to accept the evidence that some cultural traits simply are not friendly to development.

Traits of Culture that Impact Development

As stated more than once, this is a simplistic categorization to enable us to put our brain around this complex idea. There are thousands of cultural traits. The literature has lists that number 20 and up. This list is purely an arbitrary grouping, and follows the “rule of six”. Please feel free to criticize and enhance. These categories are based on those suggested by the chapter of Culture Matters written by Daniel Etounga-Manguelle (Chapter 6, p. 65 ff). He is trying to describe a generic culture that might be found in all parts of sub Sahara Africa, a formidable task. These categories are not identical to his, but the idea is similar – how can one simply describe a continent or a world with hundreds of languages and cultures. These are ordered by importance in terms of my guess as to their influence on development.

1.       Hierarchical world view.
A hierarchical world view, where all power rests on the top, the strong man, the leader, the deity, tends to inhibit initiative and creates dependency. Power in this world view leads to arrogance and corruption, to suppression of dissent, and control. A stratified society results with no ability to move up or to create wealth from the bottom.

2.       Trust.
Trust here means interdependence, a sense of the common good, ethics and legal system founded on this premise. A limited range of trust, or little sense of belonging to the whole, severely limits development. A trust circle that is limited to the family does not foster cooperation, or sharing of resources, or the creation of new resources. Goods are seen as limited – I can only get more if you have less. Competition is always win / lose.  Win / win is not possible.

3.       Control over Reality.
Humans need some sense of a measure of control over uncertainty in order to prosper. A world view that just accepts things, that sees things as driven by a deity or fate or magic, will not prosper. To prosper, we need to have a sense that we can conquer life, not just accept it. Religion, philosophy, or the prevailing world view all influence this.

4.       Sense of time as progress.
A world view that lives only in the present, or some distant future in another realm, does not support initiative and the planning necessary for development. The past tends to dominate, and change is seen as problematic.

5.       Community vs. Individual.
A clear understanding that we depend on each other, that “we are all in this together” supports development. But this sense of community cannot be such that it suppresses the initiative of the individual. This is not a hierarchical view of community, where individuals are subservient to the needs of the group. That is a difficult balance to maintain. It is what we normally call “the common good”.

6.       Hard Work.
Hard work as a cultural value clearly supports development. A poor regard for hard work, the attitude that it is something to be avoided if at all possible, tends to retard development. Some cultures see hard work as a necessary evil that is to be completed as quickly as possible, so that the real parts of life can continue. A culture open to development sees work as productive, rewarding, an end in itself.

Historic Causes of Cultural Traits

This is a fascinating area – why did these traits develop in some parts of the world and not in others? There is no general consensus on this. Jared Diamond thinks it has to do with geography, the availability of domesticable animals, and small grains that fostered the invention of agriculture. Jeffry Sachs agrees with these, and also adds political and social ideas and philosophies. For my money, ideas are all the results of the culture, not the causes. There are likely multiple causes for our cultural diversity – but, again, I dare to simplify to make a point. These are presented in the order of plausibility, not importance to development.

1.       Climate.
It seems fairly obvious that climate has had a major impact on the culture of a people. Prosperity generally declines as one moves closer to the equator. Hard work, planning ahead, and other long term values tend to thrive better in colder climates. There are two exceptions always cited to this: Hong Kong and Singapore.  But both of these city states had the benefit of a profound British occupation for many years prior to their emergence as developed societies. There is no question that the Chinese culture has many traits supportive of development, if they can temper some of the overwhelming hierarchical characteristics.

2.       Religion / Philosophy.
Virtually all religions began as animistic – an attempt to explain how things work. Virtually all deliver immense authority and power to the deity. The prevailing leaders normally utilize this belief system to ensure themselves authority and stability. It is only after the fracture of this controlling mindset that real development begins – after the Reformation and Enlightenment in Europe. Some religious trends, such as Confucianism and Buddhism do not have this deity problem to contend with, but still support an authoritarian view of society to maintain order.

3.       Strong Man / Hierarchical Genetics.
It is fairly well established that humans have a genetic propensity to favor a strong leader form of government. Historically, a strong leader has generally been much more successful. The theory is that this developed as a result of wars, where those with highly centralized, military style of leadership tended to prevail. Those individuals who might favor a less structured view of life simply did not survive. Edmund Wilson is one author who favors this theory. So we are all prone to a hierarchical view of reality, although it tends to limit development. Development occurs best when some other force counters this propensity.

4.       Education / literacy.
World views can be strongly affected by ideas, by philosophies, by literature – but only if a society has the basic education infrastructure. This is a relatively recent development in Western society. Development could only jump forward once the philosophical underpinnings for democracy and capitalism were widely spread among those with education. The skills required for technological innovation came from the universities of Europe. As education spread to the common man, the pace of development continued to grow.

5.       Resource Constraints.
Parts of the world are less endowed than others with natural elements such as arable land, rain, types of crops, animals, etc. This is the primary thesis of Jared Diamond. A culture built around rice growing is very different than one which pursues cattle on open ranges, or constructs dikes to hold back the sea.

Traits and Causes - How Does This Work?

This section is an attempt to apply these “causes” to the “traits” above.  It helps me to hold them together in my mind.  If you don’t find it helpful, skip ahead.

1.       Sense of Time.
A cold climate tends to produce a different sense of time.
Cold and inhospitable environments tend to develop cultural traits that are more supportive of human development in the long run. I look at the Scandinavian countries as extreme models of a sense of community, or togetherness, and long range planning. These nations, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway are some of the coldest, most inhospitable places. The standing joke in Minnesota for why these folks tended to migrate here, is that they walked across the US until they found a place almost as rocky and cold as home, and said, “This looks good”.

In climates like this, your survival depends on planning ahead, on taking the initiative to prepare for the cold.  In a warmer climate, the need to anticipate is not as great. Food can generally be obtained without a great deal of foresight. It may require some cooperation, but on a pretty limited scale.

2.       Hard Work.
A cold climate tends to give high value to hard work.
This seems patently obvious. If you don’t plan ahead, if you don’t dig and build and construct, you simply do not survive until spring. There may be some physical or psychological propensity to these things in the people who survived in these climates, but it is clear that hard work is valued. In a warmer climate, some food is readily available without a lot of effort. There are still some hunter / gatherer tribes in Africa and South America who are doing just fine without agriculture and the social organization that it demands.
For resource limitations, in “peasant cultures”, hard work is not valued because it does not generate wealth. Farming is the only source of wealth, and land is in limited supply. The point of diminishing returns for farming is reached very rapidly. This is even more true in societies dependent on crops like rice, where large scale operations are virtually impossible, even with technology.

3.       Control Over Reality
A cold climate tends to produce a different sense of control over reality.
Of necessity, you must construct shelters against the cold, and find ways to grow crops and tend animals that are more creative in colder climates. If you allow things to just happen to you, you are not around very long. In a warmer climate, the laid back approach, it will come tomorrow or not, is very workable.  Things happen. I don’t anticipate them, I don’t prepare for them, I don’t try to thwart them – I just put up with them and survive.

Religious beliefs that presume that an all powerful deity manages all affairs tend to reduce one’s sense of control over reality, and initiative. A strong hierarchical sense has the same kind of impact until something happens that breaks that history of control.

4.       Trust / Ethics.
The productive culture tends to have a larger circle of trust. It starts with family, extends to tribe, and then can be extended to any business relationship – given a supportive ethical and legal environment. The Scandinavian cultures seem to support a much higher standard of ethics than the rest of us. I would like to think it came from survival together, but I am unaware of any studies in that regard.
As to the role of scarce resources, the typical peasant culture sees others as competitors for the scarce goods that exist – primarily arable land. The concept of community welfare is of little benefit.  (Who Prospers, p. 20.)

5.       Community vs. Individual.
Similarly, the Scandinavians seem to have a high level of commitment to the common good, but not one that suppresses individual initiative. They focus individual efforts on supporting the common good. Where did this come from? Authors point to the world of Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, as the primary explanation. Somehow, the early Puritan settlers in America viewed hard work and prosperity as a moral imperative. Weber pretty much saw these pioneers as turning against the religious doctrine that all things are somehow provided by a benign deity. He credits the Reformation with destroying the prior dominant world view of the Catholic Church, leading to significantly more individual initiative. It could also be that this happened to coincide with the discovery of the new world, and the emigration of a whole crowd of risk taking entrepreneurs.

6.       Hierarchical World View.
A hierarchical world view is more dependent on genetics or religion and philosophy. It is a more efficient way to organize for common defense against enemies. Those people with this tendency, or who adopted this culture, tended to survive better than their loosely organized neighbors. There is clearly a genetic tendency within us to want a hierarchical social structure.

The Scandinavian nations avoided many of the influences of the Roman and Holy Roman Empires which gave a divine imperative to the political leadership. They were loosely organized tribes, who banded together for mutual protection. They have a king, because they decided they needed one – not because the deity forced it upon them. This hierarchical perspective from Roman and Catholic culture seems to have penetrated Italy and Spain, and through Spain, the whole of Latin America.

Background Information

Well, if you have survived this far, I highly recommend that you continue reading. Hopefully this section will give you more information on each of the above topics to help with understanding. 

The Power of Culture - Stories

Culture or “world view” is much more powerful than a simple collection of customs or social norms. It is deeper than that. It governs how we think, how we approach everything. It is enduring, and very difficult to change.  It was formed through centuries of experience, and it is conveyed from generation to generation in every word, every act. Our children have a firm grasp of it before the age of 7 or 8, and that will be their guide for life.

In 2000 my son Tom and I traveled to Tanzania. He was in his last year of residency, and the hospital wanted him to experience a different environment prior to his graduation. I happen to have a friend in Tanzania who runs a flying medical service, and who does things around a hospital in Arusha. My son thought this would be a very different experience of medicine. It was different all right. We learned a lot – about medicine, and a whole lot of other things. We spent a month visiting hospitals, and sitting and talking with missionaries, and meeting Africans.

The key thing I came away with is: These people are different! Yes their skin is different, but the way they think about the world is also different. Americans, people who grew up in the US, tend to think that humans are in charge of the world. If there’s a problem, we fix it. The Africans we met did not work that way. They are definitely not in charge of their world. In their world, things just happen. A couple of simple examples here might help.


They all have had extensive education on AIDS – how it is transmitted, and its terrible consequences. We would drive by a small group of people under a tree, with a teacher demonstrating how condoms work, and why they are important. But, armed with this knowledge, they do NOTHING to avoid getting AIDS. If it happens, it happens, is how they seem to treat it. About 40% of the people who present themselves to the hospital have AIDS. Their culture seems to say that things just happen – there is nothing you can do or should do about it.

No Water

On a more pedestrian scale, we were out in the bush near Endulen, on the edge of the Serengeti. The town has about 300 people. The sole water supply comes via a pipe from a hospital about a mile away. The Austrians built the hospital in the 70s. They put in a generator and a well. They graciously provide water during the day to the village. One day, the water stopped. It just stopped. There appeared to be no response to this crisis. We asked the head of the village, if the water has stopped, what do you do for water? He says, we walk down to the river – about half a mile – and carry water up. They have no vehicle, and they carry the containers on their head for that distance. We asked several other questions, but it was very clear to us that no one was going to get about fixing the water problem. The water came, it was here, and now it is not – things happen. All over this part of Africa, you can see abandoned water works that were put in by the Germans or the British that no longer work. They appeared; they stopped working – that is how life is.

No Swing

In another anecdote, a Canadian volunteer put up a rope swing for the students of this small school. They loved it – used it all the time. One day, someone pushed it hard and it got stuck up in the tree. Each day, they would come and look at the spot where the swing used to be, and lament, “No swing”. It was up there 4 months. They all knew where the ladder was, they had seen the Canadian put it up.  they were perfectly capable of climbing the tree. But it was not theirs, it just happened, and now it is gone.
They are not in charge of life – life happens to them. As a western person, it is hard for me to even believe that this is true. I cannot stop myself from fixing a toilet anywhere on the planet that is leaking! My head says this is what we do – we fix things.

No King

When I returned from my second trip to Tanzania, I found a book which helped me understand this a little bit: Culture and Organizations by Geert Hofstede. It is a sociological study of IBM employees around the world. It describes five major cultural variances, and ranks them by country. As noted above, cultures are very complex, but the book explores these five in some detail.

Each chapter includes an anecdote to help illustrate the fundamental power of this world view perspective. Hoffstede ranked the nations of his study by the degree of separation that they experience from the top to the bottom of their society. He calls it the “Power Distance”. When I talk about this with people, I ask the audience where they think the US falls on this hierarchy. Do we have a large gap from top to bottom, or a small one? Invariably, they will say that we have a relatively small one, as compared to places like Africa or India or most of Asia. We have some sense that we are all equal.

Then I tell them the story in the book which illustrates this cultural value. This article appeared in the Dutch newspaper NRCC/Handelsblad, December 23, 1988.  (Hoffstede, p. 47)
Stockholm, December 23.  The Swedish King Carl Gustav this week experienced considerable delay while shopping for Christmas presents for his children, when he wanted to pay by cheque but could not show his cheque card. The salesperson refused to accept the cheque without legitimation. Only when helpful bystanders dug in their pockets for one-crown pieces showing the face of the King, the salesperson decided to accept this for legitimation, not ,however, without testing the cheque thoroughly for authenticity and noting the name and address of the holder.

I can just see this clerk in the store. “I don’t care if he’s the king, if he doesn’t have a cheque card he can’t pay with a check.” When they show her his picture on the coin, I can just hear her say, “Fine. But he has to write down his phone number!” I doubt that the US President will ever find him or herself in this predicament. The Scandinavians, as a whole, have a very low Power Distance. They rank 47th or 48th on a list of 53 countries studied. The US ranks 38th on that list. At the top of the list, we find Malaysia, Guatemala, Panama, Philippines and Mexico. The point is, no one taught the citizens of Sweden that the king was not that big a deal. It is how they all see the world, and how they all react. The king is a servant of the people. He is one of us, and he does our bidding. I have some theories as to why they see the king so differently, but the difference is profound. That view will not change if they emigrate to another country.  Their children may change, but they will not. It is simply part of how they see the world.

Culture matters, and almost nothing else does! That is the major conclusion of the book cited above.  Culture is formed over centuries. The Scandinavians endured bitter winters, survived by forming close knit tribes, and all understand that they depend on each other. When they thought they needed a king, they created one. Those of us whose culture formed within the Roman Empire, and then the Holy Roman Empire, somehow got the impression that God or some higher power installed our fearless leader. Our power distance is much greater.

The Latin American Problem

In the past 10 years, I have visited Nicaragua 10 times. I have toured the country, learned its history, studied its language, and spent a few days living in the homes of some friends. My parish has had a relationship with a community there for 30 years. We have been trying to assist them, without just doing charity works. We have been facilitating education and community building, and giving them room to expand and grow. In all those years, we have been puzzled and confused by some aspects of their culture. I have been looking for a way to understand what is blocking their potential. They are marvelous people – I care for them greatly.  I would like to help.

Who Prospers

The book, Who Prospers, by Lawrence E. Harrison, gives some insight into the problems. It explains how cultural values shape economic and political success. The author lived for 13 years in Latin America, working as USAID director. His prior work, Underdevelopment is a State of Mind, examined how the cultures of Latin America had a negative effect on their development. In the first chapter of Who Prospers, he has a summary which explains the basic thesis. He cites the work of Mariano Grondona, an Argentine who studied Argentina’s fall from grace after 1930. He identified a set of cultural factors that operate very differently in development-prone and development-resistant societies. This is a quote from p. 18 of those factors.  Grondona expanded this list to 20 in the book Culture Matters.

·         Religion explains and justifies success in a development-prone culture. In a development-resistant culture, religion relieves or explains suffering.
·         Wealth is created as the product of human initiative and effort in the favorable culture. Wealth is the natural or physical resource that exists in the resistant culture, and life is a struggle to acquire (or redistribute) it.
·         Competition is viewed in a progress-prone culture as a positive force that promotes excellence and enriches the society. The resistant culture discourages competition as a form of aggression that threatens the stability and solidarity of the society, in part because it nurtures envy.
·         Economic justice demands saving and investment for the benefit of future generations in the progressive culture. In the resistant culture, economic justice demands equitable distribution to the current generation. Obviously relevant is the time focus of a society (see time focus).
·         Labor is a moral, social duty and a central form of self-expression and satisfaction in a favorable culture. In a resistant culture, it is a burden, a necessary evil; real pleasure and satisfaction are attainable only outside the workplace.
·         Heresy or dissent, is crucial to progress, reform, and the search for truth in the favorable culture, which encourages innovation. The heretic is a criminal who threatens stability and solidarity in the resistant culture.
·         Education nurtures inquisitiveness and creativity in a favorable culture. In a resistant, traditional culture, it transmits orthodoxy.
·         Pragmatism, rationalism, empiricism, and utilitarianism are central values in a favorable culture, threats to stability, solidarity, and continuity in a resistant culture. Tradition, emotion, and chance substitute for rationality, with stagnating consequences.
·         Time Focus is the manipulable future in the favorable culture. The resistant culture focuses on the past, and the concept of future is one of destiny, reflecting a fatalistic world view.
·         The world is a setting for action and achievement in a favorable culture; one approaches it with optimism. In the resistant culture, the world is controlled by irresistible forces (“God or the Devil, multinational companies, or the international Marxist conspiracy,” Grondona elaborates), one approaches it with pessimism, if not fear.
·         Life is “something I will do” in the favorable culture. In the resistant culture, life is “something that happens to me.”
·         Optimism is nurtured in the favorable culture. In the resistant culture, survival is the goal and pessimism the mood.

My sense is that all of these apply in the negative for Nicaragua, and most Latin countries.

Universal Peasant Culture

Others point to a kind of “universal peasant culture” that is typical of undeveloped nations, which is very similar to the typology described by Gondona. It is a zero-sum world view. Everything of value, resources, money, honor, etc. is in short supply, and can only be gained at the expense of others. Life is a continual struggle to obtain these things in competition with others.  Anyone who advances is seen as a threat to all. People avoid leadership roles lest they be held suspect. In this world view, mutual suspicion limits any attempts at cooperation.  (Who Prospers, p. 19.)
Lawrence E. Harrison after his 13 years working in Latin America, came up with four key factors of culture that are essential to foster development:
1.       Trust creates a sense of community and empathy for others. When this trait is strong, human creativity is supported. When it is lacking, people have a difficult time working together.
2.       A rigorous ethical system supports justice and fairness, allowing people to profit from their creative ventures. A corrupt system inhibits development.
3.       Authority that is exercised responsibly, and not as a license to steal. An authoritarian culture supports a hierarchical view of the world, where power and prestige rest only at the top of the society.
4.       Work, innovation, saving and profit – he lists these traits as a single factor which supports development or hinders it, depending on how these values are expressed. These are the basic habits required to generate wealth.

Simplistic Ideal: Cultural Values that Foster Development

As this thing developed, I kept thinking, this is way too complicated. What we need is something simpler, that people can grasp and keep in their head, as we try to change our cultures. So here is a proposed set of “ideal” cultural components that fit within the limitations of our physiology and emotional baggage, and yet open the doors to development.

  1. We are all in this together. Our reality is interdependent. The poverty or hunger of one affects us all, deprives us of contributions and wealth. Helping our weakest thrive benefits all of us. We are each other’s insurance for life.
  2.  We are in charge of this. Things just don’t happen, god is not running the show, the “others” are not in charge of our reality. We can make a difference, and we can change the way the world works. We get the government we deserve, and it is our government – they are not to blame and all goods do not come from them.
  3. The goal can be achieved, near term, not in the next life. Poverty is not a blessing of God, but a curse we are working to eliminate, and here and now, not in paradise. Liberation Theology got this right.
  4.  Ideas are our wealth and energy. Wealth does not come from the favor of the powerful, or from the ground, or crops – it comes from creative ideas that benefit all of us. We must support and defend dissent, differences of opinion, arguments, because we derive our wealth from the ideas that they generate. Competition in products and ideas generates wealth, at the price of some failures that we must bear.
  5. Hard work is rewarded. It is not God’s will, not luck, not a conspiracy, not the authorities. We can work hard, make a difference, and prosper.
  6. High ethical standards are essential. We must be able to trust our institutions and each other. If that trust is degraded, we all pay an enormous price. This is a corollary of #1.
  7. Power resides in the law, not the people and not the leaders.

A path to the future

Given this pile of problems, what do we do to change it? This is really the key insight of all of this. All cultural elements are not positive – some need to change. How does one go about that?

Practical suggestions

Change that affects an entire society actually starts at the bottom. This is a set of suggestions on how we can initiate that change in the small groups where we live and work. For example, my parish has been working with a small community in Nicaragua for 30 years. We are not about projects. The community in Nicaragua has projects, and that is fine and good. But we are focused on changing the people, by means of supporting their projects. We want them to become fully empowered human beings, in charge of their destiny, able to modify their cultural norms enough to take charge of their lives and move forward. This is not charity, and it is not justice, if justice means distributive justice or sharing our wealth with them. This is about empowering them to change their world. Incidentally, their view of life also changes us. They have a lot more perspective on some things than most of us.

  1. Education.Every text talks about education as the solution. The primary problem here is that the educators also have the prevailing world view, and find it difficult to step outside of that. How are they going to educate young people to adopt a different culture? 
    We could import teachers from developed countries, and have them teach “culture” to elementary students, not science and math to secondary students. Develop a curriculum around world views, and expose the students to the many different ones that exist on the planet. We don’t need to foster one or another – help them experience them all, and have a more critical eye in that respect.
  2. International Exposure.Pick up a generation of young people, and send them elsewhere – to Scandinavia, to Germany, to Holland, to North America. The problem here is that they have to be really young to be malleable – 7 or 8 years of age. That age group cannot normally travel unattended. Secondary students are already fairly well formed in their world view. It doesn’t hurt them to travel and experience other cultures – but the benefit is smaller.
    Again, this is expensive and problematic. What if we bring these world views to them, via TV and Sesame Street and similar programs? I am confident that the Children’s Television Workshop could readily create content that would “teach” world views, if they once understood its importance. Learning another language is good – learning another world view is even better.
  3. Scientific CriteriaBuild a body of research on those cultural qualities that foster or hinder development. This science has begun, but it is just at the beginning. If we are going to teach the younger generation, then we need to understand what to teach them. Otherwise we run the risk of introducing elements that may hinder rather than foster development.
This section is really slim.  If you have some thoughts along these lines – let me know.  We could all use your help and ideas.

Hope For The Future

There is a little gem of a book available online for $3.00, that talks about what our economic engine might become. Instead of focusing business making and acquiring things, what if we focused on human well being? We might start measuring it, we might start funding its growth. Instead of those enterprises which generate cash, what if we invested in those that generated human well being? The book is called Betterness: Economics for Humans, by Umair Hague. I think the author is a bit optimistic – but check it out. It’s good to have a bit of hope in this realm.

Book List

These are not alphabetic, but in the order of suggested reading.  They build on one another.
  1. Hofstede, Geert, Cultures and Organizations. The earliest editions of this work are better for the purpose of this paper. The later ones add a lot of material, but the key thing is to understand the power and permanence of culture, or the “software of the mind”.
  2. Harrison, Lawrence E , Underdevelopment is a State of Mind,  1985. This is the original work by Harrison that generated all of the controversy and interest.
  3. Harrison, Lawrence E., Who Prospers, How Cultural Values Shape Economic and Political Success, 1992 paperback, first published in 1992. This is a book long argument that culture is the major force in the different development rates of nations around the world.
  4. Harrison, Lawrence E., and Huntington, Samuel P. CULTURE MATTERS: HOW VALUES SHAPEHUMAN PROGRESS – 2000. This is a collection of talks given at a symposium on the topic. Two of the authors disagree, so it gives an interesting perspective.
  5. Harrison, Lawrence E., The Central Liberal Truth: How Politics Can Change a Culture and Save It from Itself, 2006. This one contains some key ideas for changing cultures.
  6. Sen, Amartya, Development as Freedom. This is an excellent evaluation of developing nations by a Nobel Prize winning Economist. His basic thesis is that development occurs naturally wherever 5 basic human freedoms are supported by the society. He does not discuss the cultural perspective – he is focused on the presence or absence of these freedoms – which, I believe, spring from the culture.
  7. Haque, Umair, Betterness: Economics for Humans. A perfect gem of a little book. If you think Capitalism is broken, and that we need a better approach – this is it. The author is optimistic that this will become the future path for real profit and gain – increasing human potential, not just the number of things we have. I hope he is right.


1.       History of Agriculture.  1790 90% of work force engaged in agriculture.

I tried posting this as a comment - could not get it to work. SO  . . . it is a footnote of sorts.
If you read this far, may the fates bless you, you might be interested in this piece from the BBC.

It has to do with some research on the CAUSE of these mental models. Weather, agriculture, you name it. This has profound effects on all parts of our society, not just our economic development. The GOOD is that we are beginning to understand this. The BAD is that we have no idea what to do with it. It appears, for example, that collective world view is more supportive of basic rights, while individualistic is more creative, entrepreneurial. We need both, clearly. But, because of our "tribal" leanings, we are all generally persuaded by the society around us.

WHAT IF we managed to persuade people to distinguish themselves from the mass and maintain their individual contribution, but still live in a holistic society? Is that even possible? How would one do that? For example, it appears that we are about 10% psychopaths - and that is a GOOD thing. That particular brand of human is very important in certain situations that affect all of human kind. That's why they remain in our gene pool. When they are BAD, they are horrendous. But when they are raised wisely they are an enormous resource.

I am beginning to think that if we could persuade ourselves to teach grade school kids to practice mindfulness for 10 minutes a day, we might be able to get a handle on people choosing one path or the other, instead of just following the crowd.

A More Pessimistic Tone
Anyone that has read to this point - I commend you highly. BUT  . . . take a look at this more recent entry here about the book, The Weirdest People in the World.

I am now of the tentative opinion that the culture that gave rise to capitalism, development and democracy was in the works for hundreds of years, and it is NOT common on the planet. I would love to have someone dissuade me of this belief. We may be just spinning our wheels here!

Your thoughts?