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Monday, January 22, 2018

Cognitive Science and Mindfulness

That last little piece in the this blog was pretty good, but I just found a wonderful 'little' essay that does it even better. See:

I just posted this to Facebook, hoping that a few more than 8 people will read it. And thank you very much for reading here as well.

I have been reading a lot about neuroscience lately - since I read Thinking, Fast and Slow by Kahneman. This essay is a wonderful compilation of the latest neuroscience research, with a philosophical cast to it. It gives me hope. Realizing we ourselves and mostly everyone else are not really rational most of the time is one thing - finding a way to actually do something about that is a tremendous insight. Guess what - mindfulness. I had the good fortune to spend a decade or so in an institution that forced me to do this for 30 minutes each day - I continue it at a somewhat shorter pace - but it is enormously powerful. This essay lays out the biological research, and a philosophical framework for understanding that and doing something with it.

If you find that interesting and exciting, read it. If you can't get your wandering brain to pay attention to the end of this note - you REALLY need to read it!

I just wonder how long it will take for this to become a fundamental part of our education and literature understanding of human kind. With the type of fearless leaders we have now, we may be at this a long time.

Hang in there - I'm pulling for you, and we really are all in this together.

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